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Benefits of Medical Personal Loan over Health Insurance  

Being able to access and avail robust healthcare comes at a price, literally. Over the past year, healthcare inflation has seen a double-digit rise and is practically double the overall retail inflation[1] in the country. Just a simple hospitalisation for an...

Tips to Reduce Life Insurance Premium Without Affecting Coverage

Several people tend to avoid getting a life insurance policy as they consider it to be expensive. Paying a hefty premium regularly for a fixed period of time can be something not many want to opt for. But what if there was a way to reduce the insurance premium and...

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance if You’re a Freelancer

Source: When you transitioned to freelance, you were excited by the world of possibilities ahead of you but also unnerved by the looming unpredictability. Taking the big leap into self-employment is a dream come true for many but it also comes with a slew...

What is term insurance with monthly pay-out and why you should buy one

Every family has a head member to look after the financial responsibilities of the entire family. As the breadwinner of the family, you might work hard every single day to earn more income to safeguard your family’s needs. During your active working years, you might...

2 types of term insurance plans and when to buy them

The active working years can be the most crucial phase of your life. The money that you accumulate throughout your career can help you to build a secure future. However, your hard-earned money might fall short in offering long-term protection. When your earnings fail...

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