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Are you ready to fight Covid financially?

Covid Package costs 1.5 to 3L for 5-8 days even in a small hospital in a tier-2 town. These are unusual times. The coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc. The second wave is going on, it actually pulled a rug beneath us and the third wave is expected later in...

This Pandemic, get Insured in a Genuinely Cashless Way

If you are looking for a Health insurance plan that will cover COVID-19, besides providing unlimited sum insured for any type of hospitalization then you should look at Max Bupa, ReAssure Health insurance plan. The reassuring feature of Max Bupa ReAssure plan is that...

Covid tests, treatment, Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak

News about high hospital bills in lakhs of Corona patients has been all over the media. One way to prepare for medical expenses is to have a health insurance policy. New short term health insurance plans meant for Covid-19 related hospital expenses, called Corona...

Why purchasing a term life insurance should be your NO. 1 priority

Term insurance might have been in the market for a long time. Although it has been in the Indian market for long, many of you might not choose term life insurance for your financial security. According to a survey, only 5% of people in India purchase a term policy....

What is increasing term insurance plan and its benefits?

What is increasing term insurance plan and its benefits? Term insurance has been a part of the Indian market for a long time now. Typically, a term plan is a pure protection-based policy, which can offer death benefits to your loved ones in your family. Although it...

How to Check if Your Car’s Insurance Premium is Worth

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock With a car insurance policy, you want to safeguard your vehicle against possible damages that may arise unexpectedly. While buying a plan, you hear about many terms and conditions, but focus more on the premium charged and the benefits. In...

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