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Women Take Control of Money and your Life

Principles of personal finance management are gender-neutral but a woman faces situations in life that men don’t such as relocation due to marriage, career disruption on childbirth, re-entry into the corporate rat race, or a complete career switch to achieve work-life...

Seven Ways Your Office Can Save Money

Managing a business can be costly. If you invest in a business, you would notice that operating expenses eat up the majority of your gross income. However, there are ways you can cut your expenses which can help you earn more profit. Use simple lamination equipment...

Why should women start saving money and investing early?

On 4 June 1913, Emily Davison the suffragist threw herself in front of King George’s horse at the derby to make known the issue of women’s voting rights. Since then, women have come a long way in securing equality and justice in many areas. But when it comes to...

What is Currency? Currencies of the World

Every country in the world has a currency that is specific to the country.  There are more than 185 different currencies in the world. However, according to the United Nations, only 180 of these currencies are internationally recognized. What is Currency? Difference...

The National and Official Languages of India: Hindi, English, Banknotes

Is Hindi the national language of India? The fight over supremacy of language in India started before independence and is still continuing. Why does India not have a National Language? What are the official languages of India? What are the languages on the bank notes?...

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