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Many people want to become YouTubers, in fact, it was found that more kids want to become Youtuber than astronauts. Every month more than 2 billion monthly unique users see videos on YouTube and get entertained, inspired, or educated.  The top-earners of YouTube have millions of subscribers, many have actually become millionaires and even famous celebrities(Justin Beiber, Bhuvan Bam)! In 2020, there are more than 31 million YouTube channels So can becoming a YouTuber by creating a YouTube channel be more than a side project or hobby. Can it be like to be a career? What are the ways in which making videos on YouTube can earn money? What is required to be a YouTuber? What are Steps in Making a YouTube Video.

Approximately 20% of the people who start your video will leave after the first 10 seconds

How does a YouTuber earn money?

Way Earning Comments
Ads or YouTube Partner Program YouTuber earns around 55% In India, you would be able to earn around $1.15 for every 1,000 views

watch time of the viewers

the topic of video

multiple ads within the video,


To start earning you need at least 1,000 subscribers with a minimum of 4,000 hours of watch time


Sponsored Videos Brand Sponsorship allows you to make somewhere between 3,000 to 1.5 lakhs Your YouTube Channel needs to be popular.
Affiliate Links Earn commission by posting the link in the description section of your video. The commission depends on the product
Membership or Asking money from subscribers  Membership or Join button of YouTube

Patreon, provides business tools for creators to run a subscription content service., by providing exclusive rewards and perks to their subscribers, or “patrons”

To get the Join button. Creators will need to have 100,000 subscribers or more, be over 18 and be members of the YouTube Partner Program.


Selling Product like digital courses, T-shirts, etc. to subscribers Creators with more than 10,000 subscribers can offer merchandise like tee-shirts, hats

How does one earn money from YouTube?

These are the following ways to make money from YouTube.

Ads on YouTube or YouTube Partner Program

YouTube partner program allows you to make money online using YouTube ads. You must have seen ads on the videos. The ads are generally placed before the start of the video, during the video, and at the end of the video.

To be eligible to become a YouTube partner, you must have at least 1,000 subscribers with min. 4,000 hours watch time. These requirements need to be maintained for at least 12 months otherwise, you may be disqualified. Once you become eligible for the YouTube partner program, you will start earning revenues from the ads that are placed on your YouTube videos. Even if a viewer, skips the ad, you would still earn revenue from that.

YouTube wants to make sure that video views are coming from real people. That’s why a YouTube view is only counted when the following two criteria apply:

  1. One intentionally starts the watching of a video.
  2. One watches it for at least 30 seconds.

YouTube charges for placing ads from the companies that want to run ads for their products/services. There are different rates for different ads on YouTube.  A YouTuber earns around 55% of the revenue while the rest 45% is earned by YouTube. While you use this feature, make sure that your content is, copyright-friendly, not offensive, etc. otherwise you may get demonetized for that.

How much money you make from YouTube is not based on subscriber count.

It’s based on ads viewed.

It also varies. 

How much YouTuber earns from Ads

How much YouTuber earns from Ads

The income from the video depends on the watch time of the viewers, placement of multiple ads within the video, the topic of video which makes it attractive for the companies to place their ads on that video, etc. For example, consider a video having 1 lakh views with 1000 hours of watch time whereas there is a second video with 1 lakh views and 2000 hours watch time. In this case, the second video would be earning more due to more watch time.  Or On Topic of the Video, for example in the following videos, though view time of PF Withdrawal process is more, More money is earned from the video of 20K views due to the topic As Save money is more ad-friendly than PF Withdrawal.

Money earned through Ads on YouTube depends on many factors other than views

Money earned through Ads on YouTube depends on many factors other than views

To measure your earnings from the videos you place, there is a tool named as CPM (Cost Per Milli). In India, you would be able to earn around $1.15 for every 1,000 views. However, for countries like Australia and the USA, you can make up to $12 and $12.5. To measure the number of views, watch time, subscribers, etc. every YouTuber is given Creator Studio PC version and Creator Studio mobile version with which they can track the record.

Sponsored YouTube Videos 

You must have seen YouTubers in the beginning or at the end of the YouTube video promoting the company’s products/brands. You can either create a separate video for this or you can promote the brand within your video. In this form of advertising, companies pay YouTubers for promoting their products/brands on YouTube.  Brand Sponsorship allows you to make somewhere between 3,000 to 1.5 lakhs depending on how popular you are and what is your YouTube channel all about. For example, Film actors appear in many YouTubers video to promote their movies. For example, Ayushman Khurana appeared in MostlySane video to promote his film Andhadhun.

To get sponsorship for your Videos, you need to grow your subscribers, increase the number of views and watch time on your YouTube videos, so that companies feel that they can get more customers by paying you to talk about their product. But, getting sponsors is not an easy task.

You also have to be careful that when you use the Sponsored Videos option, you promote the products/brands that are genuinely good and preferably you use. Otherwise, your target audience may find your video biased. This may make people slowly lose their interest in your YouTube channel.

Earn money on YouTube through sponsorship

Earn money on YouTube through sponsorship

Affiliate Links on YouTube Videos

You post the link for buying a product in the description section of your video. Now, whenever anyone will purchase a product/service using the given link then you would be able to earn a percentage of the commission. Affiliate marketing lets you make money on every sale you make through your affiliate links.

Different companies offer different commission for the different products/services that they offer. The most commonly used affiliate links include Amazon’s affiliate program, Click Bank, etc. This form of revenue earning is usually used by people who are niche-specific like unboxing a product/service like smartphones, accessories, the opening of Demat account, etc.

Affiliate links on YouTube videos in Description of the Video

Affiliate links on YouTube videos in Description of the Video

Membership of YouTube

In this form of revenue generation, a YouTuber’s target audience may be interested in supporting him for the work that he does for them or a YouTuber may give some premium content to his audience. For example, each of your subscribers is supporting you so that you can continue your work or let your subscribers have access to the premium content that you provide to them.

Earn money through YouTube membership

Earn money through YouTube membership

The most commonly used method by YouTubers for crowdfunding is Patreon with the help of which the target audience can support the YouTuber. The amount may vary from person to person. You can also create the various kinds of membership options like Basic, Standard, and Premium with the help of which you would be able to generate different revenues depending on the spending capabilities and needs of different users.

YouTuber earns money through Patreon

YouTuber earns money through Patreon

Sell your Product on YouTube

You can sell your product like T-shirts, digital courses, etc. to your subscribers. If your subscribers find your products relevant and useful to them then they would purchase them and you would eventually be able to generate more revenues from YouTube.

The average YouTuber only makes a little on YouTube

What is required to be a YouTuber?

You are NOT made for YouTube if 

You only care about making ​money on YouTube

You​ want to become worldwide famous with your videos

You are not willing to put in hours of work ​while not getting paid for it

Many people start YouTube Channel thinking it is an easy path to fame, money. But making videos is hard. It takes time. Many YouTubers just could not find the time or patience for it. Their channels died down after a few weeks.

Why will anyone care to watch your video? Making a video trying to explain a topic without making it boring is hard. Be specific, planning all the videos. But Help people achieve things, solve problems or inspire them

Trouble Growing an Audience: Those first few videos typically only get a handful of views. Getting that audience requires a bit of luck and it could take one week or it could take one year or it can never happen. Or It happens but then you lose out because people move to new channels.

It takes a whole lot more than hashtags, some music, and a shiny thumbnail to make people watch or come back for a second helping. If your video content is compelling and relies on attraction rather than promotion to feed and maintain an interested audience… then it will get views.  Only those are the kinds of views that turn into subscribers called as subs.

Making a YouTube Video

Making a YouTube video consists of several steps. Depending on the type of video, one may skip certain steps.

  • Research, understanding the topic, collecting facts, and statistics.
  • Scripting, coming up with a script that is likely to be interesting for the audience.
  • Filming or Recording, which is the actual step of recording the video. Most YouTubers tend to use professional cameras to record.
  • Editing is a step of removing unwanted video elements, adding effects, and creating cool transitions within the video. Often, this step involves adding intro and outro elements to the video as well. Most YouTubers use professional editing tools such as Adobe or iMovie tools for editing.
  • Audio mixing, which is the step of adding background music or sound effects and choosing to create different blends of foreground and background audio.
  • Thumbnail creation, which is the step of creating a catchy thumbnail which is likely to stand out among so many YouTube videos in search results to increase the chances of a given video being watched. This will often involve Photoshop or some such tool to create appealing thumbnails.
  • SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, which is the step of finding the right keywords to include as metadata along with the video so that the video can be discovered amongst millions of videos in a similar genre and can rise up in search results.

Video on How much one can earn from YouTube

This video discloses YouTube income of channel Labour Law Advisor, as well as the sources available for a YouTuber to earn money. This video is for those who are want to start a YouTube channel and do not have an idea about its scope. You will learn:

  • How much you can earn from YouTube ad revenue
  • Other sources to earn money from YouTube.
  • How much do we earn?
  • Of you making it big on youtube with an estimate of expenditure.

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So do you or someone you know want to become a YouTuber?


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