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Find Common Ground on Money When Renovating

Renovating or building a house is one of the big home events that either ends up in a top-notch glorious finish or two grumpy people who would rather water plants in rainfall than talk to each other. To avoid a sour situation in the house, here are some tips on how to...

Why It Is Important To Get Regular Health Screenings

Many people out there avoid the dentist and the doctor at all costs unless they feel so sick that they absolutely have to go. This could be for a multitude of different reasons. Perhaps they are busy and do not have the time to take out of their schedule to go. They...

After Marriage: Parents and Finance

Do you have/want to have frequent fights with your spouse related to money for example because he or she is spending an inordinately large part of income on his or her parents? Times have changed we have nuclear families, women also working, higher cost of living, and...

Things to make your family more financially secure

In every stage of life, your family is the only constant that stays beside you. Especially in a large Indian family, you can find all the emotional and financial support you need while growing up. It is your duty to return the favor when you are an adult. Here are...

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