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Four Guidelines for Choosing a Reliable Forex Broker

Forex brokers are firms that provide platforms for traders to buy and sell foreign currencies. When looking for the forex broker, look for several key features and benefits such as fees (for spreads and commissions), trading platform(s) ( mobile, software, web-based,...

After Marriage: Parents and Finance

Do you have/want to have frequent fights with your spouse related to money for example because he or she is spending an inordinately large part of income on his or her parents? Times have changed we have nuclear families, women also working, higher cost of living, and...

Seven Ways Your Office Can Save Money

Managing a business can be costly. If you invest in a business, you would notice that operating expenses eat up the majority of your gross income. However, there are ways you can cut your expenses which can help you earn more profit. Use simple lamination equipment...

Is Medical Test Important for Buying Life Insurance?

If you are one of those people who is attracted by the ’No Medical Test Required’ ad for life insurance then this article is for you. You are surely not the only person who does not believe in the importance of medical test for term insurance before buying the policy....

5 Top Benefits of Keeping an Organized Office

Today, businesses all over the globe are not only competing to be the best in their industry but also to survive in this highly automated office environments. In fact, business owners, their staff, and third party consultants are always looking for ways to increase...

Extent of Personal Debt in USA

With Indian’s lapping up credit, a question that comes to my mind is Will India end up like USA with huge personal debt? The average U.S. citizen has $29,800 worth of debt, as revealed in a new study from Northwestern Mutual. Personal debt levels for many are...

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