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Mutual fund investment is one of the most preferred investment avenues to create wealth over the long-term by taking advantage of the capital market. However, since there are multiple mutual fund schemes available, it can be puzzling to pick the best ones. Moreover, for a first-time investor, it could become even more challenging to make sense of the countless perceptions, myths and opinions regarding mutual funds.

This article lists ten factors to give you a head start before you invest in mutual funds online.

  1. Existence

It is recommended to invest in a mutual fund scheme which has been in existence for at least five years. This allows you to monitor its past performance and avoid the risks of investing in a new plan.

  1. Fund manager’s credibility

The fund manager plays a decisive role in the performance of your portfolio. Ensure you look into his experience, previous track record and qualifications to confirm he is the right candidate to help you meet your financial goals.

  1. Assets under management

A fund with a large corpus size can give you the confidence that numerous people have subscribed to it. As a new investor, you can make a SIP investment in a scheme with a significant asset base.

  1. Risk appetite

 Before you invest, know your risk tolerance levels, i.e. whether you are an aggressive investor, a moderate one or a conservative investor. This can help you select the best-suited scheme.

  1. Returns

You can check the returns offered by a mutual fund scheme during different periods and compare it against an index fund to know how it fares before investing.

  1. Advantages of SIP

You can invest in mutual funds via lumpsum payments or SIPs. With SIPs, you can invest weekly, monthly or quarterly, unlike a lump sum amount that requires one-time investment.

  1. Fees and loads

Some mutual fund houses charge entry and exit load fees when you join the fund or sell your units. Plus, they also charge an expense ratio to operate the fund. It is imperative to assess these costs.

  1. Taxation

You may want to understand taxation aspects before investing in a mutual fund scheme as it can significantly impact your earnings in the long run.

  1. Power of compounding

The power of compounding is one of the best mutual fund benefits. The sooner you invest, and the longer you stay invested, the more significant could be the impact of compounding on your returns.

  1. Market risk

 Lastly, mutual funds are subject to market risks, even though they are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Hence, it is essential to read all the scheme documents and understand the various clauses before investing.


You can consider the factors mentioned above before you invest in mutual funds to build a strong portfolio and enjoy the benefits of mutual funds.


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