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This article is about what accounts such as bank account, mobile numbers must be linked with Aadhaar and by when? Aadhaar Linking is must for which schemes and how to link?

The Supreme Court on 13 Mar 2018 indefinitely extended the deadline to link phone, passport and bank accounts with Aadhaar number. The Aadhaar number, however, must be linked with services like Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), PAHAL for LPG subsidy, and other subsidies to avail their benefits, the top court ruled. It is yet to decide whether linking of the 12-digit biometric number with private and public services is a violation of the right to privacy and till it arrives on that decision, there is no need for you to link Aadhaar with bank account, phones and passports.

Scheme Date Comments If not linked
EPF & EPS 30-Sep-2017


The EPFO in Jan 2017, made it mandatory for its pensioners and subscribers to submit Aadhaar numbers. The deadline had been extended many times.

It is must for Online Claim submission and Claim settlement.

eKYC Portal of EPF Link UAN with Aadhaar without Employer

You cannot claim EPF, EPS online
Death Certificate Effective from 1 Oct, 2017 From 1 Oct 2017, Aadhaar number is required to establish identity of a deceased person for registration of his death to effectively prevent identity-fraud. Applicant’s Aadhaar number shall also be collected along with the Aadhaar number of the spouse or parents.
Social security schemes

(To avail LPG cylinders or government scholarships)

31-Mar-2018 on October 25 Centre told the top court that the deadline for mandatory linking of Aadhaar to receive benefits of government schemes has been extended till March 31, 2018

The government also plans to make linking of Aadhaar mandatory for driving licence.


Banks/financial institutions No clear date 31-Mar-2018

Earlier, this deadline was Dec 31, 2017. Until March 31, existing bank accounts will not be made non-operational for not linking with Aadhaar. But as far as opening new bank accounts are concerned, Aadhaar or enrolment ID must be given as proof of identity. For existing account holders, the deadline for Aadhaarbased verification is being extended to March 31 and no coercive action will be taken till then

Bank accounts will be locked
Insurance Policies No clear date It is mandatory for all insurance policyholders, life and general insurance policies such as like health, motor, travel and home, to link their Aadhaar and PAN details to their insurance policies by 31 Dec 2017. You can link the insurance policies online and offline.  In order to avail the online linking facility, the mobile number of the policyholder must be registered with the Aadhaar. Details in our article How to link insurance policies with Aadhaar and PAN: Link LIC insurance policy to Aadhaar Your insurance policies will become inaccessible.
Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificate (NSC), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), Post Office account No clear date  No information yet on how to link. Accounts will be locked
Mutual Funds Scheme No clear date  How to link Aadhaar to Mutual Funds Investments You account will become unoperational
Permanent Account Number (PAN) No clear date Linking of Aadhaar with PAN is mandatory for processing of ITRs for the assessment year 2017-18, the Income Tax Department had said.  The deadline for linking PAN with Aadhaar previously was July 31 but was extended to August 31 and later to December 31, 2017. Your ITR will not be processed.
Mobile/Telecom connection (SIM) No clear date  Aadhaar was a mandatory requirement for e-KYC procedure in mobile phone connections, existing and new.

All SIMs (mobile phone numbers) not linked with Aadhaar will be deactivated after 6 February 2018.

Your phone number will be blocked


What is Aadhaar and is it Mandatory?

Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identification number issued to Indian citizens after it records and verifies every resident Indian citizen’s details including biometric and demographic data. It is issued and managed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Aadhaar is not meant to replace existing identification documents like PAN, passport, driving license etc.

Several petitions challenging the Centre’s move to make Aadhaar card mandatory for availing various services and benefits of welfare schemes have been filed in the apex court. On October 30, 2017. Supreme Court had refused an interim stay on linking Aadhaar to the bank accounts, mobile numbers. The Supreme Court handed the Aadhaar-related matters to constitution bench for hearing in the last week of November. 

What is the new deadline?

Once the Supreme Court has decided on Aadhaar-related matters, a new deadline may be announced. A constitution bench of the court is hearing cases challenging the constitutional validity of Aadhaar Act, as well as that of linking it to various services. The Supreme Court had also said that Aadhaar should be purely voluntary and that it could not be made mandatory until the matter is finally decided by the court.

The Supreme Court on 15 Dec 2017, extended the deadline for Aadhaar linking with all government-sponsored welfare schemes and services to March 31, 2018. The court verdict came days after the government expressed its willingness to extend the date for mandatory linking of Aadhaar to avail the benefit of state-run services. 

The government had earlier set a deadline of December 31 for linking Aadhaar with several financial services and welfare schemes. The apex court will commence the final hearing on the petitions challenging the Aadhaar scheme itself from January 17, 2018.
So I don’t need an Aadhaar for a new bank account?

No, you still need an Aadhaar or an Aadhaar enrolment ID to open a new bank account. While the 15 December order had extended the deadline to link existing bank accounts with Aadhaar, it did allow that the Aadhaar enrolment ID be submitted to banks to open a new bank account. However, other financial services like buying insurance and mutual funds can still be done without Aadhaar. The extension also applies to the linking of PAN with Aadhaar.

For now, you don’t have to. However, if the Supreme Court finally decides that the services need to be linked to Aadhaar, you will have to do so.
Can I delink Aadhaar?
As of now, there is no provision or mechanism to delink the Aadhaar that is already linked with some service or welfare scheme.
I have been getting reminders from banks and telecom companies. Even though the deadline has been extended, should I link Aadhaar?
As long as the Supreme Court does not give a final decision, no services, including bank accounts or mobile connections, can be discontinued by the service providers for the want of Aadhaar. If the linking systems are active, it is up to you to decide if you want to link it with the services.
Will I lose out on something if I do not link the services?
No, financial and telecom services will not be affected. Your accounts or phone connections cannot be discontinued. Moreover, the UIDAI has specifically insisted that no essential services like hospitalization, medical help, school admissions or ration through PDS, can be denied to a beneficiary if she does not have Aadhaar or Aadhaar authentication does not work. “Under no circumstance, anyone can be denied a service just because he/she doesn’t have an Aadhaar. If one does not have Aadhaar or if Aadhaar online verification is not successful due to some reason, the agency or department has to provide the service as per Section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016 and Office Memorandum dated 19 December 2017 by using alternate means of identification…” the UIDAI said in a press release in February.
What happens if I don’t give Aadhaar for government schemes?
The UIDAI has insisted that essential services like hospitalization and PDS will not be denied. Also, Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act provides some scope for other forms of authentication. However, direct benefit transfers, which means receiving money directly in bank account as a subsidy or government scholarship, could be discontinued if Aadhaar is not provided.

Can private companies ask for Aadhaar number?
The UIDAI provides authentication services to several service providers including private companies, which can be used to establish the KYC details of an individual. Service providers using this facility are to be registered with the UIDAI as Authentication User Agencies or e-KYC User Agency. The list of active AUAs or KUAs is available on the UIDAI website)
What do I do if some private service provider asks me for my Aadhaar number?
As long as the Supreme Court does not make a final decision, any commercial service-provider cannot insist on only Aadhaar. In case of hotels, an identity proof can be asked for and the hotel should accept any government approved identity proof. If a hotel or any other service provider denies services just for Aadhaar, you can ask them to give this in writing and threaten with legal action since there is no redress for you through the UIDAI.

You can find out when and where your Aadhaar card was used for authentication?

Aadhaar Linking must for subsidies or Welfare schemes

Subsidies provided by the government can’t be availed without Aadhaar linking by the beneficiary with the related schemes.

  • To avail LPG subsidy, the gas connection holder needs to get the services Aadhaar linked through the service provider. The bank account, in which the subsidy is transferred under the direct benefit scheme should also be Aadhaar linked.
  • The BPL and APL families seeking to receive subsidised foodgrains from ration shops are required to get their ration cards linked with Aadhaar.
  • The enrolment with the UIDAI is mandatory for farmers seeking benefits under crop insurance, Soil Health Management and Soil Health Card schemes.
  • Programmes like the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme, Deendayal Antyodya Yojana and National Rural Livelihoods Mission also require Aadhaar linking.
  • The government has made Aadhaar mandatory for students seeking scholarships from the central government.
  • It is also mandatory for disabled children of 6-14 years seeking benefits under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
  • Even the victims of Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984 are required to submit their Aadhaar details to receive due compensation from the government.

Aadhar Linking for Finances: PAN, Banks, Mutual Funds, ITR

  • Having a bank account without enrolling with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is no longer possible. If a person does not have an Aadhaar card and opens a bank account, she will have to submit the 12-digit number within six months failing which her bank account will become non-operational.
  • Any cash transaction over Rs 50,000 can’t be made by a person, who does not have Aadhaar card.
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificate (NSC), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), Post Office account must be linked to Aadhaar number. If you want to open a post office account or invest in the National Savings Certificate (NSC), PPF and Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) schemes, you have to compulsorily produce your Aadhaar. Those who do not have an Aadhaar card or number as yet can quote the EID or enrolment identity number of their Aadhaar application, the government has said. Existing depositors can update their Aadhaar number till December 31, 2017
  • AMFI has directed fund houses to ensure linking of Aadhaar details with existing folios before December 31, 2017. AMFI has asked fund houses to freeze non-Aadhaar compliant accounts with effect from January 2018. This means non-Aadhaar compliant investors cannot execute fresh mutual fund transactions. mutual funds will not be allowed to open any new folios without obtaining customers’ Aadhaar numbers.
  • Linking Aadhaar with PAN is also mandatory so that a person does not get away with multiple transactions of smaller amounts. As of November, 13.28 crore out of 33 crore PANs have been linked to the 12-digit biometric identifier Aadhaar.
  • Besides the Permanent Account Number (PAN), a person filing tax returns needs to submit her Aadhaar number.The Supreme Court too has upheld the constitutional validity of the amended Income Tax Act, 1961 making linking of Aadhaar with PAN mandatory. The Supreme Court, though, ruled that those who didn’t have Aadhaar number were not bound to comply with the provision.
  • Enrolling for Aadhaar is, however, not mandatory under the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 – simply called the Aadhaar Act.

Justifying Aadhaar linkage with bank accounts, senior advocate Rakesh Dwivedi, for the RBI, had submitted that Aadhaar linkage was instrumental in weeding out 2.2 lakh fake bank accounts out of a total 54 crore.

Senior advocate Meenakshi Arora, for the petitioners retorted that “the whole nation cannot be held suspect to money laundering activities”. “For 70 years, the banking system has functioned without a hitch… why impose Aadhaar now?” Ms. Arora had said.

Aadhaar Linking for EPF, UAN

Article eKYC Portal of EPF Link UAN with Aadhaar without Employer covers it in detail.

  • It is mandatory to link Aadhaar with UAN for online claim submission.
  • Claim settlement will be faster if your Aadhaar is linked with UAN.
  • If your UAN is linked with Aadhaar it becomes easy to merge multiple UAN numbers.

Aadhaar Linking must for Health Care

  • Under the National Health Mission, Aadhaar is a mandatory requirement to become a trained female community health activist, ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist.
  • Booking an online appointment with an AIIMS doctor is not possible without Aadhaar number.
    In Uttar Pradesh, the government has made it mandatory for patients or the attendant to produce Aadhaar for availing free ambulance service.
  • Under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), Aadhaar is mandatory for treatment of tuberculosis.
  • Aadhaar is mandatory for receiving training under Centre’s Integrated Child Development Services.
  • Staff involved with the Mid-Day scheme must be registered for Aadhaar.
  • Women seeking benefits under the Janani Suraksha Yojana need to have Aadhaar. They can’t claim financial support under the National Mission for Empowerment of Women without producing Aadhaar.
  • The much publicised and acclaimed Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana for BPL women also requires Aadhaar card.

Aadhar Linking for mobile number or SIM

To complete biometric verification, customers having its postpaid connections are required to visit the nearest Store, while prepaid customers can do so by visiting their nearest retailer.

How to link Mobile Number with Aadhaar?

  • Visit the store:
    • Visit the nearest centre and provide your mobile number and Aadhaar number.
    • store executive will provide a four-digit verification code on your mobile from the re-verification application.
    • The subscriber will then provide the verification code to the Idea store executive and provide his or her biometrics.
    • After 24 hours, you will receive a confirmation SMS, reply ‘Y’ to complete the EKYC process.
  • Without visiting the store to be available by 1 Jan 2018.
    • OTP based,
    • App-based
    • the IVRS facility- to link the registered mobile number with Aadhaar.

Aadhaar and Death Certificate

From 1 Oct 2017, Aadhaar number is required to establish the identity of a deceased person for registration of his death to effectively prevent identity-fraud. Applicant’s Aadhaar number shall also be collected along with the Aadhaar number of the spouse or parents. The above provisions have come into effect in all states except Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and Meghalaya. The dates for these three states will be notified separately.
Where the applicant is not aware of the Aadhaar No. or enrolment ID No. of the deceased, he shall have to declare that the latter did not possess Aadhaar number to the best of his knowledge. Any false declaration to this effect will be treated an offence under the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1967. A reading of the Aadhaar Act indicates that the penalty for the said offence may be imprisonment up to one year and/or fine up to Rs 25,000.

Aadhaar and Passport

Passport applicants can receive their passports in 10 days under normal category by furnishing Aadhaar card along with two other identity proof for verification. This can be availed at ₹1,500, as opposed to ₹3,500 for tatkal passport.

The Ministry of External Affairs is using Aadhaar card for identification of the passport applicant on the National Crime Records Bureau for verification of the applicant’s criminal record. This helps

  • One has to apply online.
  • Aadhaar card has to be attached as proof of Identity and proof of address.
  • Go for passport office for the appointment.
  • Within 7 days, the applicant will get the passport delivered to the address.

Which service are you OK to link your Aadhaar with

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All About UAN or Universal Account Number of EPF

All about Paper Work: Aadhaar, PAN, Will, Nomination


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