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How do People Earn Money

We all know that money is used to pay for buying goods & services. But where do people get money from? We know Money doesn’t grow on trees. People earn money. Examples of how people earn money are: they might sell vegetables or cars, fix cars, cook food, act in...

All about ATM, how to Bank using ATM

You must have seen an ATM. These days people go to the ATM to withdraw money. In ATM, one inserts a card, punches in some numbers and viola! money comes out. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) allows one to do simple banking transactions, usually 24 hours a day. It...

Debit Cards and Credit Cards: Plastic money

Credit cards or debit cards are called Plastic cards. Plastic cards are one of the most popular forms of payment. In fact, Plastic cards are an inevitable part of our life. They allow cardholders to pay for goods and services easily and conveniently and provide an...

Money and your Child – ING ZING Survey

The  ING ZING survey of Money and Your Child captures the changing behavioural trends among parents and kids on money management and how they adapt to each other’s needs and requirements. The survey is now in 4th year and this year survey was done through a nationwide...

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