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Review of the Book : You Can Be Rich With Goal based Investing

Goal setting involves deciding the end point of your planning exercise, determining where you want to go.  The more tangible the goals your goals, the easier it is to plan their realisation. Begin by listing down both your short and long term financial...

Journey to Wealth : Start Early

The journey to wealth is a marathon and not a sprint. It is about the kind of endurance that the tortoise showed than the speed of the hare. Money needs time to grow and the power of compounding is seen only if there is enough time. The earlier that one can start on...

Income Tax for Beginner

Do you have to file your income tax returns for the first time or you are employee and have been filing it but want to understand the income tax  TDS etc then you have come to the right place. It explains in question answer form what is income tax,different kinds of...

What’s The Price Of Cool?

Many people can’t wait to do this. As soon as they land that first steady job, they start spending money, spending and spending. Often, this is the first time in a young adult’s life that they’ve had full control over their money. After years or listening to...

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