Life is busy(often an understatement). Bank statements, warranties for household appliances, manuals for all the electronic gadgets bought, bills, medical prescriptions, medical bills, credit card receipts, ATM slips, credit card statements, bank statements, investment records – they pile up and multiply faster than dirty dishes after a meal. Such stuff usually gets tossed on the table or in a spare drawer. If you are like most people(including me), you have mounds of receipts and papers sitting on a desk or overflowing in the drawer. We don’t realize how much we pay(in money and time) as a result of having our papers in disarray — a late credit-card charge, a lost tax deduction , missing premium date, missing warranty card as Ashok found out.
Table of Contents
Why keeping Records are important?

Murphy law on paper work
Financial Records
Type of record | What to keep | Reason for keeping | How long to keep |
Bank Records List all account numbers with addresses, phone numbers |
Bank statements/pass book, deposit slips, cheque books | Statements are needed for income tax deductions and proof of important payments | Minimum of at least seven years. |
Credit card Names, addresses and phone numbers of issuing companies, card numbers |
Credit card receipts and statements | Proof of Purchase of items on credit; use of card and payment of balances due can give you a good credit rating | From 45 days to seven years Keep your original receipts until you get your monthly statement; shred the receipts if the two match up.Keep the statements for seven years |
Loans | You should keep a record of any loans you may have, such as student, car, home equity loans. | When the loan is paid off, you can throw the documentation away, retaining only the final statement that shows the loan paid in full.For reference for credit rating | Till the loan is paid and then permenantly |
Housing records | Some of documents related to your own house:o Title to your home o Deed of purchase o Mortgage contract o Sales contract o If you inherit property, keep an assessment of the fair market value of the property.o Lease/rental agreemento Improvement receipts,o utility deposit receipts,o mortgage payments o property tax records |
Improvements you make on your house, as well as expenses in selling it, are added to the original purchase price or cost basis. This adds up to a greater profit (also known as capital gains) when you sell your house. Therefore, you lower your capital gains tax. | From six years to permanently Keep all records documenting the purchase price and the cost of all permanent improvements — such as remodeling, additions and installations.Keep records of expenses incurred in selling and buying the property, such as legal fees and your real estate agent’s commission, for six years after you sell your home. |
Receipts and bills | Proof of payment. Proof of value on insurance claims | Proof of payment. For charge accounts— if they are tax deductible; proof of value on insurance claims. | Keep credit card receipts until bill is paid; keep larger item receipts while items are in your possession |
Locker | Inventory | Information for yourself and family members | Until you close the locker. |
Investments | Statement of mutual funds, stocks, bonds, FDs, dividends receipts etc | Reference for completed transactions.You need the purchase or sales slips from your brokerage or mutual fund to prove whether you have capital gains or losses at tax time. | Until you sell |
Income tax related | Tax deducted at Source (TDS), Filed returns/tax paid tax exemption documents, Form 16, Form 16A, Form 12 B |
Verification of taxes paid | At least seven years |
Insurance policies | Policy, Receipts of Premium paid. Along with your homeowner’s insurance policy, you should also keep a list and pictures of your possessions to provide to the insurance company in the event of a fire. | For claiming insurance | Till the insurance is applicable. |
Income/Employment Record | Salary slips, Provident Fund slips, Experience certificate, | For reference | Atleast one year to permanently: Salary slips atleast till Form 16 is made available. |
Medical bills | Bills | An amount of Rs.1250/- per month or Rs.15,000/- per annum is exempt for income tax which can be paid as the medical allowance to the employee. | Atleast a year till reimbursement |
Appliances | Instructions and Warranties | For claiming repair or replacement. | Throw the warranty documents away upon expiration. |
Personal Records
Most personal papers are important to keep and inconvenient to replace. Examples of personal papers with links to information about them at are:
- Aadhaar
- Birth certificates
- Marriage Certificate
- Death Certificate
- Driving License
- Passport
- Ration Card
- PAN Card
- Diplomas, Certificates of Xth, XIIth, College
- Power of attorney. Be sure to provide a copy of the document and access to the original to the named person, so your wishes will be carried out in the event you are incapacitated.
- Will. Also, keep a copy in your files or provide a copy to the person who will be responsible for carrying out.
Other personal papers which one may need to keep are Separation and Divorce documents, Adoption papers etc.
Our article When you lose your wallet, Credit Card, PAN Card, Driving License discusses it in detail.
Please scan your documents and upload them on the net, so that you can access them when required.
Records for income tax purpose
If you pay income tax you then your income tax return can comes into the scrutiny by random search. Quoting from FAQ on income tax website
What is the mechanism by which the department checks the correctness of my return of income? Would I be given an opportunity to present my views during the course of such verification?
Based on information available with the department a small percentage of returns are picked up for verification. This process is called scrutiny. You will be given full opportunity to put forth views and evidence to support your claims.
Am I required to keep a copy of the return filed as proof and for how long?
Yes. Since legal proceedings under the income tax act can be initiated up to six years prior to the current financial year, you must maintain such documents at least for this period
Your income tax return can comes into the scrutiny by random search. Scrutiny is the process of selecting some income-tax returns and examining them closely by calling for extra information and seeing if the details furnished are correct. It is an audit of the income-tax return filed by the taxpayer to assess his real tax liability. Quoting from 2007 article on
The time limit for taking up a return for scrutiny is within one year from the end of the month in which the return is filed. For instance, if the return is filed on July 28, 2006 then the scrutiny notice can be served on the assessee upto July 31, 2007. The serving of the notice on assessee is important. If such notice is issued on July 29, 2006 but is received by assessee after July 31, 2007, it is not a valid notice. There is a penalty of Rs.10,000 for each failure to comply with the notice.
Tax officers can call with any/all of the following documents with him/ her:.
- Bank pass book or statement of all bank accounts.
- Credit card statements if any
- Details of the family members living with him/her.
- Details of the loan borrowed from the bank or any other sources such as relative or any organization.
- Any gift details
- Household expenses and the drawings
- Saving details
- Any membership
- Details of vehicle purchased or held
- Accommodation details owned/rent, if rent agreement
- Details of donation paid
- Details of assets and liabilities
- Children education details
- Electricity expenses details
- Any foreign travel details
So please keep above mentioned financial records for atleast 7 years.
Benefits of record keeping
- Records provide evidence of financial transaction – repayment of loan, depositing money in bank account, purchase of an asset. This is specially important in case any discrepancy arises over it.
- Less time preparing income tax returns. No running around at last moment looking for the TDS certificates(Form 16A) or mutual fund statements for capital gains.
- Get insurance compensation, retrieve stolen or lost items if your house or apartment is burglarized or destroyed.
- In the event of death, injury or an emergency, obtaining insurance or claim (warranty card in case of damaged goods) or settling an estate reducing some stress for loved ones.
- Records also help in evaluating past and planning future spending. It helps you to
- Track your money : where it comes from (income) and where it goes (expenses)
- Provide an easy reference to you wealth – assets (savings, investment, insurance etc) and liabilities ( credit card debt, home loan, educational or vehicle loan)
- Organize financial activities like: budgeting, saving, investment.
Are you sold on record keeping? But then what kind of papers/records you should keep and for how long.
Quotes on paper work
Don’t get’s time to take a break. Some quotes that we found on paper work are:
I have so much paperwork. I’m afraid my paperwork has paperwork.” ― Gabrielle Zevin
We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.” Werner von Braun
I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork – Peter De Vries
Documentation is like sex: When it is good, it is VERY good; and when it’s bad, it’s still better than nothing at all.
It is wise to periodically review your important papers. Creating a system, reducing paper clutter and regularly having secure document shredding done for the records that you do not need makes your life easy. Having an organized system for your financial records will save you and your family time and aggravation in the future.
Treat your paperwork like your best friend—it will save you from stress in the future.
How do you manage your paper work? Is your paper work up to date? Have you faced any problem because of lost/missing papers? Which records do you feel are a must? For how long do you keep your records? Any mistake or error or incomplete information.
Hello my name is ramon patel my dads name is ashok patel i dont know to much about him except that he passed away a few years back and lots of people i know say he left me and my sister something in his will my sisters name is pria patel can u help
Whoa! That’s an exhaustive list of documents to keep. I follow a simple rule: if it looks like anything official, it stays.
Wish you a very happy new year!
First Wish you a very very happy new year.
Yes the list seems exhaustive but one should not be overwhelmed be it. It is not only about keeping the papers but finding it at the right time and also others should be able to find it in case on unfortunate event. Getting papers organized is a necessary step.
brilliant. very useful post as always. we often cannot find the necessary documents when required because of negligence. btw congratulations for that QVENDO award, was really glad to see ur name up there.
Thanks Debajyoti. Great comment as usual. I hope you are getting your papers in order
Thanks for wishing for QVENDO award. My kids are not so happy..they wanted the iPad-surf or dove would have made them happier.
I am looking forward to shopping at Qvendo.