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Switching of Mutual Funds

Switching is often recommended from Regular to Direct Plan to save on the commission. But what is the switching of mutual Funds?  What are the costs involved? Is switching of funds taxable? How to do switching of Mutual Funds? What is Switching in mutual funds? Moving...

Warren Buffett Bet :Index fund wins against Hedge fund

Warren Buffet won the bet of a million dollars that he had placed in 2007. The bet was that an index fund would outperform a collection of hedge funds over the course of 10 years. He said that by investing in a boring, low-cost stock index fund you could outperform...

PPFAS Conservative Hybrid Fund

PPFAS Conservative Hybrid Fund is the first-ever offering by PPFAS Fund House in the Hybrid Mutual Fund space. It aims to replicate their flagship Mutual Fund PPFAS Flexicap Fund on the debt side. In this article, we shall explore the Features of the PPFAS...

Best Index Mutual Funds and ETF: Passive Investing

Over the past few years, globally and in India, there has been a shift from Actively managed mutual funds to passive investing i.e investing in Index funds or ETF (Exchange-traded funds). In Dec 2017,  Warren Buffett won the bet of a million dollars placed in 2007...

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