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Forgot UAN Password: How to reset and change UAN password

Have you forgotten your UAN Password and want to recover or reset it? This article talks about how to reset and change UAN password when you have your mobile number with UAN registered with you but you have forgotten your UAN password. Overview of Steps to Change...

EPF Withdrawal:How to withdraw EPF and EPS of old job offline

If you are unemployed after leaving your old job after 2 months you can withdraw EPF  by submitting EPF Withdrawal Form to your old employer or EPFO. You can withdraw From EPS(even for scheme certificate) by submitting form 10C. This article talks about EPF...

When you have 2 UAN Numbers What to do?

You are allowed to have just one UAN number linked to member Id of your various employers. You would have to merge all your UANs to be able to withdraw from your EPF account online. How to merge 2 UAN accounts. This article gives an overview of UAN, Member Id, What to...

How to Fill EPS Pension Form 10D to claim EPS Pension

An employee can start receiving the pension under EPS only after rendering a minimum service of 10 years and attaining the age of 58 or 50 years.  In case of death / disablement, the above restrictions doesn’t apply. One has to submit Form 10D through...

How to Correct EPF Details like Name,Father Name,Date of Joining

Reason of rejection of EPF Withdrawal :  FATHER”S NAME OF MEMBER DIFFERS WITH CLAIM FORM. We assume that once we have provided the correct data, things would be fine and we don’t bother to check the details. For example our employer deducts the Provident Fund...

EPF Form 11 on Joining a New Job: Auto transfer of EPF account

Every employee needs to submit a declaration, Form 11 when he takes up new employment in an organization which is registered under the EPF Scheme of 1952. This form, EPF Form 11, contains basic information regarding the employee and it is mandatory for an employee to...

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