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Money: Bigg Boss, PM, MP, Quotes, Books

Have you wondered how much does President of India earn? What are the savings of PM Narendra Modi? How much Money do Big Boss 13 contestants earn? How did Amitabh Bachchan rise for bankruptcy? Money is linked with what we see, we read, people, celebrities. This page is a compilation of the list of articles related to what we see in daily life.

Money and Popular Shows

How much do these contestants get on BIGG BOSS to be so nasty?” How much does the host makes, what is the prize money, how much do the advertisers pay, how much does the production cost?

 Salaries of President, Prime Minister, MP in India

Money and the World

Salary of Indian Prime Minister, President, MP,MLA etc

Salary of Indian Prime Minister, President, MP


Online Frauds : UPI Scam, AnyDesk, Matrimonial Site, Lottery, Fake Job Offer etc

Books about Money

Unlike the school where we have a curriculum and know that we know to begin from (ABC, DoReMe) for financial literacy we don’t have much clue or help or guidance except our experiences. The good or bad part of experience or life is  Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards

Money Quotes


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