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Sometime back my friends and I had a discussion on investing? What about investing is confusing? Is it Mutual Funds? Is it Stocks? Is it Fixed Income investments like PPF, Fixed Deposits? Gunjan replied “Everything about Investing is confusing?”  It made me think Why is Investing Confusing? Robert Kiyosaki, author of theRich Dad Poor Dad Series, in his book Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not! explains Why investing is confusing? Quoting from Investor Lesson 3:

Rich dad smiled and laughed, saying, “First of all, investing means different things to different people. That is why it seems so confusing. What most people call investing is not really investing. People are all talking about different things yet they often think they are talking about the same thing.”

“What?” I said, screwing up my face. “People are talking about different things yet thinking they are talking about the same thing?”

Investing means different things to different people. The following are some of the highlights of this important lesson captured in an infographic made by us, .(Click to enlarge)

Infographic on why is Investing Confusing?

Infographic on why is Investing Confusing?(Click to enlarge)

Rich dad often said, “Investing is confusing because it is a very large subject With many different people having as many different opinions “.  So the question is What is Investing? From the Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

Investing is a plan not a product or a procedure.

Before a person builds a house, he or she usually calls in an architect to draw up the plans. Could you imagine what could happen if someone just called in some people and began to build a house without a plan? Well, that is what happens to many people’s financial houses. So what’s your investment plan?

Do you find investing confusing?Do you think of investing as a product or a procedure? What’s your investment plan? What is your investment plan for To be secure, To be comfortable, Or To be rich? Have you read Robert Kiyosaki‘s book Rich Dad Poor Dad Or Guide to Investing? Did you enjoy them?


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