“In the forthcoming 60 months, the country won’t get a labourer like me,” said Narendra Modi after BJP won the Lok Sabha elections by landslide margin on 16th 2014. “I have always said the government doesn’t belong to a party but to the country. A government doesn’t belong to any group but works for all 125 crore people (of the country)….Improving everyone’s lives is the government’s priority,” he said. So how much does the Prime Minister of India, Members of Parliament earn? What about the salary and perks of State Assemblies? This article tries to answer these questions.
Table of Contents
Overview of Salaries of President, Prime Minister, MP in India
Salary of President of India
Salary and Perks of President of India are given below. Our article President of India, Salary, Perks and Rashtrapati Bhavan covers it in detail.
- A president draws a salary of Rs.5 lakh a month. (In Jan 2016 the salary of the President was increased from the current 1.5 lakh a month to 5 lakh a month)
- The President lives in Rashtrapati Bhavan–the largest presidential palace in the world. The palace covers 5 acres, has an area of 19,000 square metres and is part of a 330-acre estate in the heart of the national capital.
- He has a secretarial staff of five people and another 200 people employed for the upkeep of Rashtrapati Bhavan.
- The President has two equally lavish holiday retreats. One is the Rashtrapati Nilayam in Hyderabad and the other is the Retreat Building in Shimla.
- The President travels with a cavalcade of 25 cars. The vehicle of choice for President Pranab Mukherjee was an extended and armoured Mercedes-Benz S600. Apart from that, he is accompanied by the President’s presidential bodyguard. It includes 86 presidential guards mounted on magnificent horses.
- The President and the spouse can travel to anyplace in the world free of cost.
- The President is allotted a maintenance budget of up to Rs 30 crore for the upkeep of his palace.
- He is also allotted a personal budget by the government to handle all the expenses of the President done in his official capacity, which includes mostly every piece of business, visits, hosting events, guests, state leaders etc. The daily expenses of the President are also covered in this budget.
- Official website of President of India is http://presidentofindia.nic.in/
Salary and Perks of Prime Minister of India
The Prime Minister of India earns ₹160000 (US$2,500) monthly. The break up is given below.
PM of India Travel
From Times of India 17 th May 2014
Post retirement benefits of PM of India
From Times of India 17 th May 2014 Post retirement benefits of PM of India are given below
What MP Earn, MP Salary
The salary of MPs are covered in the act THE SALARY, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT ACT, 1954 AND RULES MADE THEREUNDER is available at website mpa.nic.in and salary and amenities at http://loksabha.nic.in/
An MP , since Aug 2010, is paid a base salary of Rs 50,000 per month and is entitled to a pension of 20,000 per month. If an MP serves as a member for a period exceeding five years, this pension increases by 1,500 for each additional year of service. In addition, MPs are compensated for official expenses through various allowances :
- Daily allowance of 2,000 for each day of attending Parliament. Parliament has three sessions every year. The Budget Session (February to May), Monsoon session (July to September), and Winter session (November and December).
- Constituency allowance for expenses incurred in the constituency of 45,000 per month and
- Office expenses of Rs 45,000 for staff (limit of 30,000), stationery and postage(15,000) per month
An MP’s wage is tax-free and comes with additional perquisites such as free petrol, free telephone calls and free housing. Most household expenses , furniture, electricity, water, laundry , is also paid for . MPs can travel anywhere in the country by rail, first class, and get 34 free air tickets for themselves or a companion a year. Spouses of MPs can travel free by air from their residence to New Delhi eight times a year when Parliament is in session and unlimited number of times by rail.
- Each MP gets near-free electricity of 50,000 units every year. And free water.
- The MP’s bungalow is furnished — with air conditioners, refrigerators and television sets — free of cost. Maintenance of the house — including washing of sofa covers and curtains — is done free of cost by the government.
- MPs are entitled to three phone lines and 170,000 free local calls every year.
- When an MP travels abroad officially, he is entitled to free business class air tickets. He is also paid a daily travelling allowance, which varies depending upon the country being visited.
- Most medical expenses of MPs are taken care of by the Contributory Health Service Scheme of the Union government.
So if you try to add all the perks etc conservative CTC (Cost to the Country) of an MP is close to Rs.35 Lakhs ($70k), excluding the cost of maintaining security guards, the cost of life long pension, insurance, sarkari vehicle etc as shown by Nitin Jain in his blog post How much our MP’s’ earn, REVEALED !! . Our article Salary, Net Salary, Gross Salary, Cost to Company: What is the difference covers CTC, Base Salary for an employee.
Demand of Rajya Sabha Members for Increase in Salary
Rajya Sabha members in Aug 2016 once again raised the demand for increasing their salaries and questioned the government`s silence on the suggestions of a committee that has recommended salary hike for the members of parliament.
“MPs` salary is lowest of all. Our salary is lesser than MLAs of Delhi government, half of what a Maharashtra MLA gets, and a third of that of Telangana MLAs,” Samajwadi Party leader Ramgopal Yadav said. “We are asked to reduce expenditure. Should we turn people away? We are spending from our own pockets. I fail to understand… we were directly or indirectly told there will be some announcement by the last day of session,” he said.
“Increase our salary and make it more than Cabinet Secretary’s,” Yadav added. The salary of the Cabinet Secretary is Rs 2,50,000 a month as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission.
A joint committee of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha has prepared a report recommending MPs` salary to be hiked from the present Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh, constituency allowance from Rs 45,000 to Rs 90,000 and secretarial assistance plus office allowance from Rs 45,000 to Rs 90,000. The recommendations have not been made public. The panel, headed by BJP leader Yogi Adityanath, also recommended around 75% raise in pensions and an automatic mechanism for salary hike for MPs.
Congress leader Anand Sharma supported the Samajwadi Party leader. “The government is quiet on the recommendations. Either we accept that we are not people`s representatives, we need to be capitalist, feudal lords, or businessmen. If we are people`s representatives, there should not be this hypocrisy that the salary of MPs is not raised but other people get hike,” he said.
How salary of MP has changed over period of time
The act was written in 22nd May 1954 and came into effect on 1st June 1954. Till today it has been amended 28 times by Acts Nos.
- 9 of 1955, 55 of 1958, 26 of 1964, 25 of 1969, 29 of 1972, 65 of 1974, 48 of 1975, 105 of 1976, 33 of 1977, 27 of 1979,
- 21 of 1981, 35 of 1982, 61 of 1982, 22 of 1983, 74 of 1985, 60 of 1988, 30 of 1989, 3 of 1993, 48 of 1993, 18 of 1995,
- 28 of 1998, 16 of 1999, 17 of 2000, 46 of 2001, 34 of 2002,9 of 2004, 40 of 2006 and 37 of 2010
Some of the changes over the years have been as follows:
- In 1968 MP’s salary was Rs 400 + Rs 31 Daily Allowance
- From 1969 to 1985 salary was Rs 500 + Rs 51 Daily Allowance
- Pension for MPs was introduced in 1977
- In 1985 salary was Rs 1500
- Since 2010 it is Rs 1,40,000
On August 27, 2010, Indian Members of Parliament voted themselves a threefold hike in their basic salary, from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000 and doubled the constituency and office expense allowances to 40,000 each. MPs will thus receive an assured income of Rs 1.3 lakh (a salary of Rs 50,000 plus constituency allowance of Rs 40,000 and office or stationary allowance of Rs 40,000) a month. According to one calculation, after the hikes of the MPs’ salaries, perks and allowances, they will earn 68 times more than what an average person earns annually.
It is interesting to note that Indian MPs are paid lower than many Government bureaucrats, even though they outrank them in the order of precedence. During the debate in Parliament, several MPs recommended that their salaries be pegged at one rupee more than the salary of the Secretary to the Government of India. This would also result in automatic revision with each Pay Commission award. Two former chief ministers and leaders of their respective parties, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Lalu Prasad Yadav, demanded a 500% hike in salaries for MPs and stalled proceedings in Parliament during the debate on the salary increase in 2010. They wanted the basic salary to be fixed at Rs 80,001, one rupee more than the salary of a secretary in the Government of India. However, while most MPs run businesses from where they derive income, for bureaucrats, their salaries are usually their sole source of income. Moreover, while a bureaucrat gets a pension after serving for 30-35 years, an MP is entitled to pension even if he has spent just one day in Parliament. Nor do bureaucrats get a daily allowance for attending office every day as MPs do for attending Parliament. Comparison of salaries of MPs with Government bureaucrats from PRSIndia document of 2010 How much India pays its legislators (pdf)
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley during Budget 2018 proposed changes to refix emoluments to Parliamentarians with effect from April 1, 2018. The proposed law will provide automatic revision of emoluments every five years indexed to inflation.
Emoluments for the President, Vice-President and Governors were also revised to ₹5 lakh, ₹4lakh and ₹3.5 lakh per month respectively. In 1951, India’s first President’s salary was ten times the salary of lawmakers and ministers. But over the year, this difference has narrowed down
“There has been a considerable public debate with regard to emoluments paid to Members of Parliament. The present practice allows the recipients to fix their own emoluments which invite criticism. I am, therefore, proposing necessary changes to refix the salary, constituency allowance, other expenses payable to Members of Parliament with effect from April 1, 2018,” Mr Jaitley said. Mr Jaitley did not specify the extent of the hike that lawmakers – members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha – would get. But changing the law to index their salaries to the price index is a huge concession. Lawmakers have been demanding for years that an independent body should be set up, quite like the pay commission for bureaucrats, which gives them a hike.
A parliamentary committee has suggested that the salary of MPs be raised from Rs. 50,000 to a lakh a month and a constituency allowance from Rs. 45,000 to 90,000. If the committee’s proposals are accepted, the total compensation package for an MP will go up from Rs.1,40,000 to 2,80,000. The committee, headed by the BJP’s Yogi Adityanath has also recommended a 75percentt rise in pensions, and an automatic revision in salaries periodically. MPs’ salaries were last hiked six years ago. The Congress’ Ghulam Nabi Azad, Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, said, ” Inflation affects everyone, MPs are also hit.”
“MPs’ salary is lowest of all. Our salary is lesser than MLAs of Delhi government, half of what a Maharashtra MLA gets, and a third of that of Telangana MLAs,” Samajwadi Party leader Ramgopal Yadav said. “Increase our salary and make it more than Cabinet Secretary’s,” Yadav added. Rajya Sabha members on 12 Aug once again raised the demand for increasing their salaries and questioned the government’s silence on the suggestions of a committee that has recommended salary hike for the members of parliament.
After election to LokSabha, the members become entitled to salaries, allowances, travelling facilities, medical facilities, accommodation, telephones, etc . These amenities are provided to members with a view to enable them to function effectively as Members of Parliament. These are governed by the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954 and the rules/amendment of it.
Salary of MPs in comparison with Rest of World
An outdated but to give you an idea of how salary of MP’s compare with rest of world from PRSIndia document of 2010 How much India pays its legislators (pdf) is as follows
Salaries of National Legislators across countries, when adjusted for the relative cost of living, provide a useful metric for comparison. The adjustment is done using the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) which takes into account the relative prices of products in each country. On PPP-adjusted terms, Indian MPs earn about 25% of their counterparts in the US. In fact, most advanced democracies pay their national legislators an amount significantly higher than India. Parliaments in these advanced democracies also providea higher level of support to their legislators. For instance, the allowances accorded for hiring support staff. Whereas an Indian MP gets an allowance of `28,000 per month (as part of office expenses) for hiring assistants, his counterpart, the US Congressman gets $70,000 per month and can hire up to 18 permanent employees.
Salary of MLA
Salaries of MLA are decided by the states. There is wide variation in MLA salaries across state assemblies. A Delhi MLA earns a salary of Rs.12000 per month with other allowances, While an MLA in Maharashtra earns Rs.75000 and MLAs of Karnataka earn approx Rs 95 000 per month. Other than salary, MLAs also get similar facilities like MPs – daily allowance, constituency allowance, office expenses allowance, provisions for accommodation, travel etc. As is the case with salaries, these too vary across the state. Our article Salary of MLA in India discusses salary of MLA in different states in detail. Example of Salary of Delhi MLA is given below. The tables below shows the salary of MLA of different states Ref: ExamUpdates.
State Wise MLA Salary in India 2017-18
State name | Total No. of MLA’s | MLA Salary Per Month |
Andhra Pradesh (AP) | 175 | Rs. 1,25,000 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 60 | Rs. 25,000 |
Assam | 126 | Rs. 60,000 |
Bihar | 243 | Rs. 1,65,000 |
Chhattisgarh | 90 | Rs. 1,35,000 |
Delhi | 70 | Rs. 2,10,000 |
Goa | 40 | Rs. 1,00,000 |
Gujarat | 182 | Rs. 127,000 |
Haryana | 90 | Rs. 1,15,000 |
Himachal Pradesh | 68 | Rs. 1,25,000 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 87 | Rs. 1,60,000 |
Jharkhand | 81 | Rs. 1,51,000 |
Karnataka | 224 | Rs. 63,500 |
Kerala | 140 | Rs. 43,750 |
Madhya Pradesh (MP) | 230 | Rs. 2,10,000 |
Maharashtra | 288 | Rs. 1,60,000 |
Manipur | 60 | Rs. 1,12,500 |
Meghalaya | 60 | Rs. 27,750 |
Mizoram | 40 | Rs. 65,000 |
Nagaland | 60 | Rs. 35,000 |
Odisha | 147 | Rs. 35,000 |
Punjab | 117 | Rs. 1,10,000 |
Rajasthan | 200 | Rs. 55,000 |
Sikkim | 32 | Rs. 52,000 |
Tamil Nadu | 234 | Rs. 1,13,000 |
Telangana (TS) | 119 | Rs. 2,50,000 |
Tripura | 60 | Rs. 25,890 |
Uttar Pradesh (UP) | 403 | Rs. 1,87,000 |
Uttarakhand | 70 | Rs. 35,000 |
West Bengal | 294 | Rs. 96,000 |
Puducherry | 30 | Rs.1,05,000 |
Salary of Delhi MLA
Salary of Delhi MLA’s from their webpage MLA Salaries & Allowances Of Ministers//Speaker/Dy. Speaker/Leader Of Opposition/Chief Whip
1. |
Salary | Rs. 12,000/- per mensem |
2. |
Constituency Allowance | Rs. 18,000/- per mensem |
3. |
Secretarial Allowance | Rs. 10,000/- per month |
4. |
Conveyance Allowance | Rs. 6,000/- per month |
5. |
Telephone Facilities | Rs. 8,000/- per month to meet the cost of telephone call charges |
6. |
Daily Allowance | Rs. 1,000/- per day (subject to a maximum up to 40 days per year) for attending Assembly session/committee meetings etc. |
7. |
Conveyance Advance | Upto Rs. 4,00,000/- (repayable within his office term) |
Related Articles:
- Cost of India Lok Sabha Elections 2014
- Salary, Net Salary, Gross Salary, Cost to Company: What is the difference
- Images related to Election 2014 at Pinterest by bemoneyaware
- President of India and Rashtrapati Bhavan
- Salary of MLA
- What does Bharat Ratna winner get?
- KBC: Who pays for prize money and more
- 20s and 30s learn about money
It was not a wave, but a TsuNaMo, they said, as the country unanimously decided to vote a Narendra Modi led government into power at the Centre. Sir or Bhai (as they say in Gujrati) we have done our job, ball is your court now. We are hoping you don’t us down.
We have presented to you the facts regarding salary of Members of Parliament, MLAs,Prime Minister. While efforts have been made to provide correct information, apologies upfront for any mistakes. Please let us know and we will correct. So what do you feel about the Salaries, Pay,Perks,Allowances of Prime Minsiter of India, Members of Parliament , Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA). Interested in serving the country? Do you think the MPs,MLAs are paid less or more? Do you think kya humare Ache din aa gaye hain ?
I know this site provides quality dependent articles
and other information, is there any other web site which presents such data in quality?
Thanks for the update.
all these incomes are front door, any one knows of back door income?
Maximum politicians salary * 9999999999999999999999999999999999999$ per annum will be there backdoor income per month.
very good article
sir please sir one help me please Account number-1146101942433 ifsc-CNRB0001146 bank-canara branch-vijaynagar bangalore india name-harish n poojary my name praneetha please one help me sir 1 lakh or 60,000 money today is urgent money please help me.
Sir today is urgent money sir help you sir 1 lakh or 60,000 money please sir.
Very good information for kisan PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana
All the information you are sharing very good thank you for sharing
Good information, keep sharing with us. Also check Sarkariresultup
Good information, Post more such quality information to help people like us
Really useful information thank you very much
thank you very much
All the information you are providing here very nice thank you very much I have shared with my friends
Above information is really helpful for me. I am preparing for the Competitive Exams. Therefore, so i trying to look same topics. Provide more information about this. I will try to reach here regularly. Thanks
hey your site is very nice thanks for sharing
your website is informative thank for sharing with us
Wonderful post! We are linking to this great post on our website. Keep up the great writing.
Keep up the good work buddy.
thanks for amazing information about the Indian MP MLA and Prime Minister Pay and Perks
The Indian politicians should be given good salary and other perks. However, the corruption should be eliminated from their office. It’s the top most topic for Indians.
Pensions for MPs/MLAs???
The working career for an individual is around 35 years (from age 23 to 58), let us study the MP/MLA – he works in that position for only 5 to 10 years at an average, yet he demands lifetime pension for only 5 to 10 years service.
Therefore to be fair it should be as follows in each individual case : number of years served as MP/MLA is x. The pension benefit should be applicable only if service is beyond 5 years continuous service. Computed as follows (x/35)*MP or MLA salary. Further the MP or MLA salary should not exceed the basic salary of the highest paid Civil Service Officer of the Centre or State respectively. Only then will we see some justice. Further all MP and MLA payscales and perks must be brought in line with that of the highest paid Civil Service Officer of the Centre or State respectively.
Politics cannot be a profession- Politics is service, but Indian politics totally different. Thanks for sharing your words with us.
what is the perks given to family of ex prime minister and ex presidents after the death of the ex pm or the ex president?
Splendid post. India’s govt always do waste of money.
Keep sharing this type of articles.
With all this money given to the national legislators of India, how can we ever expect to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. Very heartening to know how the country’s wealth is being wasted in such corrupt guys.
प्रिय सर.
आपण दिलेली माहिती आत्ताचा मुलांना खूप फायदा करून देईल,आपल्या इथे सर्व सामान्य लोकांना कदाचित यातली एक हि गोष्ट माहित नसावी पण आपल्या मुले हे आत्ता सर्वाना माहित होईल.
मी आपला खूप आभारी आहे.
very nice article sir (y)
i want to add some information related to elites taxes if you want to show then here is the link
I agree. The salary and perks of public men who pretetend to champion tje causes of yhe poor is heavy and beyond the means of Indians. But will you compare this with the remuneration and perks of cricket players which they receive for nothing but cheating and playing foul.
When I read the given information.India will be poorer and poorer day by day.It’s better to minimise their annual income and sanction the remaining amount for the poor people as a schemes.
Very nice information. Thanks. Can somebody tell, How much right have One Bharatiya Human ?
Shameful poly – tiks. Sucking our blood.
ooopp… looks toooooo hard to digest, if we compare this with any common man, who is working from morning to night 24 x 7 x around the year…. plz let me know is there any way to stop these idiotic happenings and work to move our country in progress… we should do some positive initiate for our future generation guys..
How to change our mind and nature?
nice blog. execellent post.
there any set tasks for non-session days?? while there is such neat break up in salary, hope the same diligence is shown in charting out the tasks and targets to measure these MPs.
nice blog
Desh ki BIKASH me farmer ka yogoda ke bare kuchu chuuuuuuuu
This is official.but what about unknown unofficial incoming to them even if they (not all) spoil the official business hours of parliament on the plea of fake issues costing the exchequer(collected as tax from common people) a huge amount without any output(even for a complete session) for the nation.Why tax_free to them?
Unquestionably imagine that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the web the easiest factor to take into accout of. I say to you, I definitely get irked while other people think about worries that they just don’t realize about. You managed to hit the nail upon the highest and also outlined out the whole thing with no need side effect , folks could take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks
Can u give me list of mla’s salary of India by individual state..
We have covered few states in Salary of MLA in India . Hope it helps.
Why do you need the list of salary of MLA’s in different states in India?
I’m gone to inform my little brother, that he should also go to see
this weblog on regular basis to get updated from latest news.
These politicians will never be satisfied with their income for Desh Seva. More so, they will never pay taxes on their salaries. Ordinary citizens are being charged to pay taxes on their meager income. What a fallacy! Shame shame shame
I wonderthattheseparliamentarian will neverpay taxes they are heavily taxing public for their butter and bread and not for the development.everyoneknows about corruption in Nagar parishad, panchayatsamities. there are different rules forcentalsategovt employees and other employees. Govt has given glft to the retired employees of central and state govt for evasing tax on p. l. encashment while others have to pay taxes beyond 3 lac I.A.S.I.p.s.Netas and centraland state govt. employeesare in factlooting andbefooling the peoples andit appearsthatclearcut discrimination by rule oflaw.
2.91,883 INR / month is being Authorised by The MPs themselves , other Govt Employees are Given Pension that is recommended by Partsan Pay Commissions , every 10 Years ( for the Armed Forces Personnel ) . The Other Civilians are subjected to Appraisals and their Promotions will be Performance Oriented , the Corrupt M Ps have no such Performance Oriented Pay & many get paid 20,000 INR even for disrupting the Proceedings of the Parliament Could al l. Th e Se ssions the Sittings in the Parliament System . The agony is they are Awarded a Pension 40% of their Emoluments . In addition there is no Monitoring of the Amount that they Spend out of their Constitutioncy Allowances ( most of it goes in their pockets )
This can Happen only in India :::::: MERA BHARAT MAHAN ?????
Thanks com.Ganguly.Information is eye opener for citizens of India.these public representatives are literally exploring our financial resources.there must be debate in Parliament.At least one honest M.P.to come forward.
Hello Captain- Lamenting will not help. I agree to your views.let clean people join the politics and only those to commit to change the rules of the game.
Its easily said than done…The judiciary should come out with a law to curtail tgeir frivolous expenses
MPs and other have been getting these huge amounts in the name of their Salaries and Allowances for just doing DESH KI SEWA, SAMAJ KI SEWA and even then they have been demanding more increase in their pay and allowances upper than Cabinet Secretary of Govt. stating that they are at upper level/rank than him. Cabinet Secretary is the most responsible person in the Govt. which is the last promotion in the field of IAS who are the actually serves the Govt. and most responsible for overall development of the country in all the fields. I opine that they both has their different nature of duties and work and do not match or compare to each other. DESH KI SEWA ya SAMAJ KI SEWA dhanoparjan ka sadhan ya uddeshay nhi hona chahiye. Parantu samay badal gaya log badal gye aur logo ki bhavnaye vichar aur kartavay bhi badal gaye h……
They are all thugs. Just don’t vote..I am 31 and I have never ever voted. It is just that my consciousness does not allow it for our so-called Desh-Sevaks. Is not it ironical that this same BJP/Bajpayee govt abolished pensions for all middle class working populace but these assholes still get their pensions! And lastly, an MP in his/her tenure of 5 years, how much wealth he actually amasses that he has plethora of properties and wealth to feed his/her coming 5 generations? Bloody corrupt bastards – they make laws for themselves, they rape laws for themselves, they distort laws for themselves: Stinking democracy/corruptocracy.
I do agree word to word what you have stated.
My opinion is that all the MP,MLA, President,PM,CM Salery should be,
1. Income taxed.
2. If not good performance by any of them Or if found doing any Cheating,Or found involved in any scam Or found doing something against The LAW, Should be permanently throne out of Chair, also no so Called PENSION should be given.
They should not be given A Ticket for election from any Party till they get clean Chit from the Supreme Court .
3. Super Fast Track Courts should be appointed All over India by Appointing Retired IAS offecials with the Judges in All Courts, Everyday60% :40% should be the ratio of Old And New Cases Judgement without delays of giving extended dates, One Case should be finalized within a week, Should be the Target.
4. Saleries And the Perks of All the MP,MLA, President,PM,CM Should be As per Subject to,A) If any person listed above is running any business/ Industry in his/ her Or within Family members Name Should not be Paid any Salery.Also they should be charged Income tax as Applicable to the Common Citizen of India.
B) Those who are only doing Janta Sava there Saleries Should be Also Charged for Income tax.
C) All getting PENSION should be Taxable income tax.
As they are Elected By the People of INDIA,then why two different rules,if A Common Citizen is Paying Income tax on his/ her Hard Earned Money,Then why and how come and how far it is Justified for the Elected MP MLA President PM CM, to take away the Hard Earned Money of the Common Citizen of INDIA without Paying Income tax.
5) It should be Mandatory for Everyone to be At least Qualified as well as be A Degree Holder before getting A Ticket for Election.
At least A Masters Degree in Any Field He/ She wants to be A Minister of.
6) When the LAW is Set for a Common Citizen for getting Any Job A Required Qualifications is A Must,Then why The Above Listed MP MLA President PM CM, Should not have At least A Masters Degree in there Selected Field They Want To Perform, There Can be A Relaxation of % In There Masters Degree.But rest assure the time will come when To Get the Election Tickets % Will Also Matter A Lot As the Coming Generations will not Tolerate Any Bullshit Of Anybody.
Thanks for enabling me to state my Views.
I Hope If At All The Above Listed MP MLA President PM And CM Have Any SHAME left in them, They Will Definitely bring Some Changes in Them.
They Should not Differentiate between them and The Common Citizen of INDIA Otherwise The Day This Common Citizen of INDIA gets Frustrated They Will Mend All the MP MLA President PM CM As We Are in CRORES And ALL The Above Listed MP MLA President PM CM Along with all Opposition Political Parties, Total Number If Calculated will Not Be More than THOUSANDS.
” Marg Par Aajao Varna Mujhe Tumko Marg Par Laana Hoga”.
Well said..
I say hike the salaries of our legislatures periodically so that they are not lured into corruption. But make the law very stringent on corrupted MP’s and
MLA’s. We lose more of our hard earned tax money to corruption than can be possibly lost due to Salary Hikes. Look at all the black money out there for instances, Not to mention all the under table dealings happening everywhere in our country. Make way for a corruption free society/ Country. Jai Hind
Thanks a lot, it’s a very important information, we never knowing such kind of information.
All MPs/MLAs are mostly repited on sheets either under congress or BJP. They not related to improve condition of Indian citizens. After the selection come for waste our money only. No one is worries about our education,health,food, economy system which is below standards.All most service department are corrupted, God anly can save us….
This information is only information we are nothing do it because we are single. We are together than make a good plan in future of over village and country .
The fact is truly 100 percent correct, but this has been existing for long time, it should have been corrected when the parliament wad formulated stating that elected members are not eligible for any sort of remunaration since it a honarary post. See the increase in salary of delhi MLAs. The administrator has taken power in their hands to twist the constitution. It is better to boycott elections. Whom ever we feel good and elect have become dictators.
Good news of Indian
Mla and MPs pls leave own income look after public’s and some money paid to boarder activities becouse every minister not seen indian boarder if not interesting to above comment pls paid income tax for your govt don’t leave both. If you want to both ignore pls leave your post and sleep with himayanan hill there is very cool climents where is no needs of AC ,coolers and wife.you things and plan your further steps what you do fwd . jai Indian flags jai hind
We need to consider the returns people get for this expenditure from public fund.
The universal doctrine is Nemo judex in causa sua (or nemo judex in sua causa) a Latin phrase that means, literally, “no-one should be a judge in his own cause.” It is a principle of natural justice that no person can judge a case in which they have an interest. The rule is very strictly applied to any appearance of a possible bias, even if there is actually none: “Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done”.
In a democracy where will of the people is supreme the compensation to law makers shall be decided by referendum as in Switzerland where important decisions are through referendum In a country where poor people exceeds rich substantially referendum is MUST.The elected representative irrespective politics will be biased in their favour .Law makers making law for their own benefit is a mandate not imbibing democratic principle
I entirely agree. Will politicians ever agree?
This is why may be only 3% of the total population pay income tax in our country.
All tax payers like us are paying a penalty to keep the country alive & united. Long leave MLAs! All tax payers, go to hell.
Make their income taxable. They must pay house rent,electricity bill too.
Nice wonderful information thanks
Nice wonderful comment. Thanks
In united states which consist of many states dual citizenship prevails .In states vital decision like salary of people s representative are passed after referendum .Hon SC upheld international law that noone shall be a judge for own case We have moved a petition with Hon president quoting constituent assembly debate and SC ruling and advise political parties to show their monetary demands in election manifesto etc including referendum asto whether peoples representative can fix their own salary without a referendum to people as relationship is Master Servant The petition prsec e 2016 o5067 is under process at Ministry of finance Department of Expenditure Ashraf convener All India Citizens Forum
Indian politicians Like MPs and MLAs payment to be reduce. India have lot of problem /issue on money. we always depend upon{begging} to world bank OR any other country like USA /Japan. Our Loans are still increasing not decreasing in the world. So revise the all of the salary of Government servant and MP and MLA salary with perks. Once left the job { after 5 years}, Single paise not to be allow them by the government. No allowances to them at anyhow. Because we have to pay world Bank, Which already received for several projects. Every person head above Rs.30000 is going on now. It has to be reduce from now. Otherwise future india will be BEGGER INDIA only.
Dollar value to be reduce Rs.10/-
1. India want to improve means employment will increase by individually from the village level. They are ready to do Rs.10000 per month also with pleasure.
2. Retirement age will be at 55 is enough. Because crores of people{graduate} they are working in private for 4000 or 5000 rupees for the month. They can get job.
3. We want to share all the opportunity India. Only few persons are rich and many persons are very poor. It should change.
4. Unnecessary allowances are must stop. Separate flight and helicopter is not necessary. Very emergency is ok. not always….
5. Give the loan of graduate people to do self business with some guarantee people. OR give arrange permanent salary upto 10000/- also enough them. Something is better than nothing to youngsters.
6. We are not richest country in the world. So dont compare with America and Japan. So we have to adjustment in admin. Otherwise dont come to MP and MLA anything Higher post. Equal-ism is necessary.
7. New employment should create to join basic requirement will fulfill them. politicians / Govt employee are enjoying many allowances from government. They have to arrange own with their salary. No extra to be applicable.
8. Otherwise Put it private sector for all. only talent people can enter in it. If not working they will sake them immediately. Employment will increase then most of the people can get this opportunity.
9. No strike for salary increment…strictly. After they getting enough..still they needed. Lot of person at least 25% person salary also enough to do better than them.
10. No union in government and public company at all. No politicians allowed in it to manage.
See India will grow automatically….
Wow..that’s some good points there.
I don’t understand why people come with such idiotic explanations on government officials salary. Compare with the salary received by people’s representatives of SINGAPORE once. You’ll understand how under payed are Indian MP’s. A CEO who rules a company of 1Lakh employees are payed about 5 crore rupees and why shouldn’t an MP governing about 5-8 lakh people be not payed 40-50 lakh rupees per annum. In my opinion MP’s should be payed equivalent salary to top officials of private firms so that best talent in India would compete for these posts and remove dirty politics.
you are right Mr Naveen reddy. The people representatives should be paid high but why they are not drawn into tax bracket. Why we salaried people should pay all direct and indirect taxes. Why we should leave our subsidy on gas and why these people who ask to leave the subsidy do not leave the one.
People have problem that in spite of so many direct and indirect gains by elected representatives there is no result. Shouldn’t they have performance appraisal?
No never. All private CEO’s are made accountable for what they are paid. You are talking on private funds.bu we discuss on public fund.If you want dirty politics off, these MPs should be made accountable to voter at all time. Is it so no. Bring NOTA fundamental right of voter.atleast political parties shall be answer. Quality of MP and MLA will automatically maintained.Then we give them plenty.
Pvt CEO is accountable for performance and contribution. He cannot shout and prevent his own office from functioning.H e cannot afford bring down the dignity of his own company, colleagues or opponents down deliberately. He pays taxes on his income. He does not get a pension with just 5 yrs service. Finally is not boss of 5 to 10 lakh people but supposed to be their rep and reflect the will of the people.No CEO gets a constituency allowance of Rs.2 correspondence per yr.
Naveen, do you stay in India ? have you ever been a tax defaulter ? did you pay the taxes ? sorry to say your comparison is trying to knot the two different entities, a CEO pays TAX ,, but where as the Member of the house does not , it was kept in honor for the services that they were providing to their constitution.. question is do MP’s govern the 5-8 lakh people ?
i dont think people will laugh with their mouth….. Question is do really they care for people…
Take a look in this link, which exposes the corruption index in our country.
We are paying taxes for the development of our fellow beings in our country, not to give to an unknown who swallows and utilizes public funds..
See how many freebies they are enjoying… and nothing is taxable.
I have even clue whether they what is meant by ITR.
Support people with a good cause…your approach is good, but even election fails,, As Swami Vivekananda said, “Change is you and it starts with you”.
Interior part of the country even lacks in Electricity which is now the basic need.. without seeing the other side of the coin dont judge with bare knowledge.. write with DATA.
please confirm the period of pension .is it for one term, or lifetime?
truely we underestimate the work of our legislatures. the committees they head dole out amendments for the entire population of the state.
barring the recommendations of some committees ex the one headed by bjp mp,`yogi`adityanath, which came with suggessions showering goodies like housing loans etc, which were aptly rejected by his party`s government!
wonderful information..
Even they are not able to work honestly. There should be some restrictions on them in matters of their own business like in mexico.and the system of fixing one’s own salary is bad…
Indians are looking for some change ..
We common people’s suffers every time… Nd these Mp’S and MLA’S easily gets a good amount of money…. What kind of partiality is this? Why do only we suffers? They should get money on the basis of work they do for common janta. In spite of wasting money nd power on the… Government should look on garib Janta, which dont get one time ka khana also… Bhrasht!!!
nice one thanks for sharing this post with us.
nice news my target is mp
This facilities are the reason that persons fighting for seats of MP & MLA once got never give back
Well, what I think is that maybe the government is USING THE BLACK MONEY from the foreign accounts and using it for their own. It means they are robbing us in tax and adding that in their own money and enjoying.
Rules makers prefers theirs only in India. Hence rich become rich and poor becomes poorer
mps salaries n allowances r very high for which theyr not eligible, why because they csn’t think about public/voters. I request some judicial people to lodge an PIL in supreme court.
Dear Sir,
I have one of my relative aged 87 years, who was MLA for one term AROUND 30 YEARS BACK and was REMAINEDBEHIND THE BAR AS MISA BANDI DURING EMERGENCY for about 19 months.
He is sick for last 6 months and is hospitalised for about 5 months during this period.
I wish to know what are the free medical facilities he is entitled to and how can we apply for the same.
During the period his sons have spent around Rs. 8.00 Lacs and are out of funds now.
Kindly let me know at your earliest since it will be your obligation on the troubled family.
Sad to hear about it.Sorry Sir no Idea.
Dear Sir, Where from I can get the information . Please guide. Is there any Govt. site.
Padam Pandya
You can get it by googling. Officially it’s not available.
Salary of PM of India said salary of PM was found by RTI
To find current salary of Member of Parliament you can refer to documents at Ministry of Parliament Affairs website such as Annual Report 2013-14: Salary of MPs of India
From what I understand,states have their own rules and acts and so you have to dig in Maharashtra if that is the state you mean. However if you do not get it from the normal published Chronicles you may have to put in an RTI since this information definitely can not be classified although our politicians would definitely love to keep such information out of the glare of public eye.
Second note:
He was MLA for one full term and remaind behind the bar for about during emergency.
He is getting pension as per his entitlement.
Dear Sir,
I have one of my relative aged 87 years, who was MLA AROUND 30 YEARS BACK and was REMAINED AS MISA BANDI DURING EMERGENCY for about 19 months.
He is sick for last 6 months and is hospitalised for about 5 months during this period.
I wish to know what are the free medical facilities he is entitled to and how can we apply for the same.
During the period his sons have spent around Rs. 8.00 Lacs and are out of funds now.
Kindly let me know at your earliest since it will be your obligation on the troubled family.
I tried googling but did not find anything to help you.It all depends on which state he was the MLA for.Why don’t you go and visit a lawyer.All these are part of Salary Act which are different for different states and they can be well interpreted by a lawyer who will guide for a small fee.Sorry I could not help much.
For clarification, please contact Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi-110001. For financial, contact Under Secretary (Funds) Prime Minister’s Office, South Block, New Delhi-110011.
As a Indian citizen educated person when joins a government/PSU jobs.There is a specified qualification and age limit for the specified post he applies for. But to enter into politics there is no such qualification and age is specified. The person with criminal records and who has gundasim background easily enters into politics. Once he/she becomes Minister till his/her stick to the chair till last breath. In the past we have seen some of the PM/CM’s took their last breath during their term when in the chair.
I strongly suggest that just like the qualification and age is required for applying for government/PSU jobs. To enter into the politics the qualification and age should be specified. After the age of 60 yrs every politician must and should retire from the politics. Once a person becomes MLA/MP for 5 years term the salary should be paid only for that term and the pension should not be given to any politicians. The facility like Security and other benefits that are being enjoyed on the public cost should be stopped immediately. So that the taxes that we pay to the government is utilized for the development of our country.Till we the Indian citizen do not protest and force these things I strongly think that we shall never and never get the dream come true of aache din aayenge which will never come. But I fear we were the slaves of Britishers before independence and now we are the slaves of our own people i.e. the politicians. Our Prime Minister himself is having some thousands deposit in the swiss bank. How does he bring back the black money kept in foreign bank to india. What good can we Indian’s expect from politics of today.
Any wonder WHY so much money is splashed around to get elected ???
BUT the salary is not the only money made — what about all the CONTRACTS granted ???/
190000000 people can not get one time food of every day. our politician get annual income is 17 lakh.
very interesting information about our politician .they get a handsome package for lifetime’, even though they cheat public and involve in corruption. shocking
To bhi India Garib hai jintne neta hai sabki pagar band Kar NA chaiye kuki.eto desh ka bhala karate hai na.to bhi India par loan hai Congress. Ho bjp Sab ek hi hai.Khali janta Ko pagal bantae hai
Humara manana hai ki Neta ki pagar uski performance se linked honi chahiye.
I agree .jitna kaam utna paisa .no extra suvidha.jab vote chahiye toh no security required.jaise hi kursi mili fir inke dhakke khao ,appointment par hi milenge .itne nakhre aur paise hamare &hum par hi dadagiri.
It’s better to bring out the black moneny of the industrialist and the politicians from the foreign country. Why the government does not take any action. If those black moneny will be back to India then India will become a developed country can satisfy all the basic needs of the people.if the government has this guts do it.
Really great! MPs only need to serve one term of 5 years to get pension which keeps soaring after that for each additional year. Employees of PSUs have to put in many many years of service to be eligible for pensionable service. The funny thing is that the PM in now begging the public to give up LPG subsidy. He can not ask his comrades in arms to forego anything lest his own party ousts him. One Mr.Panda from Odisha has proposed for cut in the subsidy of parliament canteen costs and the matter has been blown out of proportion. If one checks probably it will be revealed Mr.Panda can not stomach the food served either for his palate or weak stomach which forces him to carry home made food to workplaces and outings. This is a perfect case for a PIL to be filed and stir up the hornets nest.
I agree they should lead in the front and get all their karyakartas and followers to give up.
Till date a list of the MPs/MLAs who have given up their LPG subsidy has not been published.
I was very curious to know where our hard earned money paid in form incometax and various taxes go….after reading this article now I know!!
we only see the rich and politicians getting richer while the Rest of the country Suffers..
Even employees work 30- 35 years in some sectors won’t get the pension, this is the trait has been done by our brilliant politician but the M.L.A and M.P’S get pension if they serve 5 years in assembly and parliament respectively becuase that is in their hand to vote in-favor according to their benefits all the politician are one race when it comes to their benefit irrespective of their parties and cheat the public by imposing un-necessary rules and regulations when the India fate changes, wait and see, this is the indain’s common man’s fate.
You have got a good point there Sir.
GREAT loved it
Loved it..
Its really great
That was superb!!!! That’s exactly what I wanted.. Please, Keep posting these kind of information.. You are making people aware of the fact, and I think this is a Great work.. Super liked it..
All MPs and MLAs must be volunteer to run the country. They should take Re.1 as monthly pay like Amma at Chennai.
Those who can not afford to do this must not fight elections. It is purely volunteer service to run the country. Retd Govt servants, Armed Forces personnel minimum 15 years service who have retired, para military and retired personnel from public and private org who have served min 15 years are only opt for MPS MLAs . No body below 35 years of age be allowed to enter in active politics.
But she takes crores in bribe
This is a big concern of all of us and good way to spread and share it with much mor people but what abt people who are even not use to of these way, we also need to thing for that mass and take it in our fold for these type of information.
Good blog but a very shocking thing is that while Mr Modi or PMO is asking an ordinary Indian to give away his Gas Cylinder subsidy, Food, Health and other subsidies to help those citizen who do not have the resources and thus be lucky enough to use them. But even if our MPs leave a few of their entitlement a lots of people will benefit.
He asked from the public to do voluntarily , probably the resource drainig MP and MLA do not consider them self as public of India. The government should be publishing or have these facts on the Website of Government and respective state sites so we know that even getting that much which minister is still doing corruption.
Plz tell me
What is the current salary of Defence Minister, foreign minister, education minister and railway minister?
Sorry th rate at which they r paid n th facilities tht ataxpayer gets is zero whn they want to bring aache din it should begin from theirside first they should b ready to forgo certain perks which can b used fr th upbrin ging of any underdeveloped nation bt today th scene is tht th poor taxpayer slogs n fills th govts pockets for them to hv a cushy life nevn th neccessities r a dream fr mny people
Earlluer only social service doing people use to join politics. In social service some time you have to pay from your pocet. Why this much salary is required for doing social service. It is public money it should be spend causialy. If you are not ready to work on less salary you vacate the seat, some needy wil do the work. We have elected you does not mean that you can take any decision. If you see the properties of MP’s & MLA”s you will be shocked. Just ask CBI to dig the information what todays MP &MLA were earlier & what they are now. From where they have made their properties. Iam strictly appose this new demand by the politicians.
The All India Citizen Forum have filed a petition quoting SC ruling that No one can be a Judge in his case and because of this in states of USA and Switzerland referendum is made for important issues where elected representatives do no have a mandate . Whether MPs can make a law trasferring the property of Citizen to their name No . Consolidated fund is a property of all citizens .The petition prsec e 2016 05067 has been transferred to Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance who is the competent authority to clesr salary proposals of MPsIf you want to join the petition send your email address to ashraftriangle@gmail.com for copy of the petition Ashraf
i need kcr and chandra babu salary
Very good and useful information, actually such information should be shared by government itself on public domain, then only we will get more and more younger generation in political fields.
I request all the Indian Mother & Father not to make their Children Doctor, Engineer or Government Employee. why our children may join navvy Army or Air Force to Protect the Country. Please make your Child a politician as MLA, MP or he may makes his career as Prim Minister Of India. Tabhi acche din aa sakte hai
Sounds good. To be a politician your qualification is to be unscrupulous, liar to the core, with no morals and ethics and better qualification is to be involved in Fraud and murder/genocide, extortion,scandals and finally few FIRs pending.Is it worth to processes such qualifications to become an MP/MLA, for earning wrath of public vis-a-vis money and perks, rather than leading a noble life with peace and satisfaction.Let the youth not be swayed to become politicians for such ill gotten money.
MPs and MLAsshould not take any salary as they bost that they are doing PRJASEVA.
When our Mpand mla are getting salary and pension why should they get other benefits free or they should be restricted to earn from other sources
1)Did every mps get pension after retired.how much pension they get.
increase sal.&perks as in U.S.A.
Why dey want as like US… US is developed country Bt nt India
First thanks for your website really fantastic and very very useful information in yearlier period father of physics ALBERT EINSTEIN was said politics is more and more critical than physics in that way political people’s are so great HAND SALUTE to all the POLITICIANS bcz the politicians are live for the people and die for the people …
Our Prime Minister is appealing to the people to come forward and give up the subsidy for LPG. What about our 5000+ MPS’, MLAS’, and MLCS’ who won the election by spending enormous money by saying that they are going to serve the people ? how many cylinders they get per month ? Is it free or they pay for it ?
Its wonderful information to me and all other known about the reality of india
I being a an Officer in a PSB prefers to forward this informative article to our AIABOF, AIBOC and UFBU, May be they too aware of these facts. Actually, most of our honourable MPs are Multi Millioniers and already franchising / handling several charitable trusts ON their own names or in the names of their family members. we expected a minimum 30% growth in pay in slip components for Officers and Employees in Public Sector Banks. However, a severe dead lock prevailed even after several strikes. At last UFBU signed a MOU with IBA for 15% growth in pay in slip components. Still, till this day, we don’t know what will be our Pay Scales. Higher rate of inetrest rate is charged by the employer banker for all STAFF LOANS and all STAFF CLEAN OVER DRAFT ACCOUNTS,in all PSBs. In this place, 4% Simple Interest Rate is being demanded by lakhs of bank Officers and Employees. However, till today, it has not materialised. The MPs’ salaries and allowances/perks are need not necessarily be extended to all vital sectors of Indian Economy. But, the banking industry should not be ill treated with mere 15% growth in pay in slip components. let the 1st, 3rd and 5th SATURDAYS’ timings of all Public Sector Banks be from 10 am to 2 pm as 2nd and 4th SATURDAYS are going to be HOLIDAYS as per the MOU of UFBU and IBA.
Thanks for sharing information.
MPs, PMs, MLAs and VVIPS are not to be allowed free travel in train because their free travel costs much to the ordinary common travelers who are paying from their pockets. The free rail travel by these privileged community reflects in every budget by hiking rail ticket fares and burdens to the common man. So travelling free in rail by these community should be curbed immediately.
Good suggestion but then who will bell the cat.
MPs, PMs, MLAs and VVIPS are not to be allowed free travel in train because their free travel costs much to the ordinary common travelers who are paying from their pockets. The free rail travel by these privileged community reflects in every budget by hiking rail ticket fares and burdens to the common man. So travelling free in rail by these community should be curbed immediately.
Good suggestion but then who will bell the cat.
Dear Krithi,
What do you mean?
Great piece of information and really enlightens us with the perks accorded to the VVIPs in India !! I had done some more research on this and written an article with details on perks of a prime minister of India. Here are the links to them –
* State Car of India – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2014/05/conquering-roads-state-cars-of-india.html
* How these VVIPs fly – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2013/12/air-india-one-thats-how-indian-vvips-fly.html
* Who protects Indian PM – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2013/12/protecting-indian-pm-special-protection.html
Thanks KT Tarun for links we appreciate it.
Great piece of information and really enlightens us with the perks accorded to the VVIPs in India !! I had done some more research on this and written an article with details on perks of a prime minister of India. Here are the links to them –
* State Car of India – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2014/05/conquering-roads-state-cars-of-india.html
* How these VVIPs fly – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2013/12/air-india-one-thats-how-indian-vvips-fly.html
* Who protects Indian PM – http://www.expressions-kt.in/2013/12/protecting-indian-pm-special-protection.html
Thanks KT Tarun for links we appreciate it.
awhat allowance an MP get for attending Parliament for a minute or stages a walk out or is asked to withdraw from Parliament? Any cuts?
Good question and the answer is NO. There are no cuts in their salaries till now. Hopefully sometime down the future their performance will be linked to that of salary. I hope so.
awhat allowance an MP get for attending Parliament for a minute or stages a walk out or is asked to withdraw from Parliament? Any cuts?
Good question and the answer is NO. There are no cuts in their salaries till now. Hopefully sometime down the future their performance will be linked to that of salary. I hope so.
Good information for people of india.
Good information for people of india.
Good information for the people of India.
Good information for the people of India.
Nice info, but this is only showing salary. They get other facilities like accommodation,transportation,food and many more.
In short they don’t have to pay for anything. Still they are not honest!!!wondering why…..?
Nice info, but this is only showing salary. They get other facilities like accommodation,transportation,food and many more.
In short they don’t have to pay for anything. Still they are not honest!!!wondering why…..?
so much of white money, still these MPs greed for storing black money….
so much of white money, still these MPs greed for storing black money….
very very good information provide like this only
Thanks for telling us what you like. We shall try to keep it up.
very very good information provide like this only
Thanks for telling us what you like. We shall try to keep it up.
What is the facilities of former chief minister……e.g. Pension, resident facilities & other allowance
According to the Constitution of India, the Chief Minister of a state in the country is entitled to a certain amount of pension after his or her retirement. However, the amount varies with the respective state legislatures. In the case of death of the Chief Minister, his or her spouse is entitled to a pension too.
Is there something specific or some specific state that you want to know about?
very nice coments
What is the facilities of former chief minister……e.g. Pension, resident facilities & other allowance
According to the Constitution of India, the Chief Minister of a state in the country is entitled to a certain amount of pension after his or her retirement. However, the amount varies with the respective state legislatures. In the case of death of the Chief Minister, his or her spouse is entitled to a pension too.
Is there something specific or some specific state that you want to know about?
very nice coments
this information i need since from last one month. I got and happy. i do not bother about the expenses of our prime minister but he must represent our country INDIA in all aspects. We are proud such a prime minister we got.
this information i need since from last one month. I got and happy. i do not bother about the expenses of our prime minister but he must represent our country INDIA in all aspects. We are proud such a prime minister we got.
Nice information, i will make use of it..
Nice information, i will make use of it..
well.. daily allowance for session days??
so is there any set tasks for non-session days?? while there is such neat break up in salary, hope the same diligence is shown in charting out the tasks and targets to measure these MPs.
well.. daily allowance for session days??
so is there any set tasks for non-session days?? while there is such neat break up in salary, hope the same diligence is shown in charting out the tasks and targets to measure these MPs.
very nice information .thanks a lot .
Thanks Shailini and Matheikal. Yes there is lot of white money to be made in politics too..:-)
very nice information .thanks a lot .
Thanks Shailini and Matheikal. Yes there is lot of white money to be made in politics too..:-)
Wonderful information. Thanks. Never knew that politics was this much lucrative financially though black money availability was known
Wonderful information. Thanks. Never knew that politics was this much lucrative financially though black money availability was known